How frustrating was it when you realized that your car key wasn’t working? It must have come as a surprise at first. The problem with a car key malfunction is that you have no idea when it will stop working again, which means it’s time to look into a key replacement.
Why Do You Need A Car Key Replacement?
Key is not programmed properly
Keys are programmed to their cars for added security, which is done through transmitters. This is not done with traditional cars, but modern cars that use key fobs and keyless remotes must be programmed to interact with the car.
If you notice your key is not working, there is a chance it was not programmed. This usually becomes more of a problem with copied and the most you can do with not programmed keys is open the car doors and the trunk.
Vandalized lock and key
One of the most significant reasons why your car key may fail is because it is damaged. The reasons why you may not know this is because a damaged car key doesn’t necessarily have to be distorted or broken into pieces. This is simply a misconception that most people don’t know.
Your car key could be damaged without visual evidence; because it only takes a slight change in the grooves of the key. These grooves must correspond with the internal mechanisms of your car lock for it to work. Car keys are components prone to wear and tear and constant use is bound to have some effect on them.
These key grooves get altered over time, causing the key to fail. This is one of the reasons why you need a fob replacement. If not the car key, the lock may be damaged.
Overused and spoiled key fobs
Modern car owners may experience faulty key fobs simply because the batteries are worn out. This is a common issue because batteries are always expected to run out at some point. Once you notice that your car is not responding to the commands of your key fob; there is a high chance that the batteries are dead and need a replacement.
Batteries, however, are not the only reason why your key fob may be malfunctioning. Key fobs and keyless remotes are different and have unique traits and uses. This means they’ll also have unique problems.
For key fobs to work, they depend on the communication between transmitters and receivers. If one of these is damaged, the key fob is likely to fail. You may not know this, but the elements of these systems may be damaged and thus manifest as frayed wires.
Getting A Key Replacement Without The Original Keys
You can still acquire a replacement key if you have lost the original. You may have the option of returning to the car seller to obtain a replacement; however, this can be very expensive, especially if you need your vehicle to be towed to the location you purchased the car from. A more affordable option is to use the services of a car locksmith. In fact, many dealers utilize the services of outside locksmiths, such as Locksmith Framingham, for replacement keys; many locksmiths can cut and program the exact same key for about 50% less cost. An experienced locksmith will be able to make a replacement key for you even if you do not have the original. When you contact us, you will need to supply some information to the company before your key can be replaced.
Advantages Of Taking Key Replacement Insurance:
When you purchase your car insurance policy, you must inquire about the extra cost you need to pay to avail the benefits of the replacement cover:
With the key replacement cover, you will be able to claim those expenses which you would incur during the process of replacement of old keys and the making of new keys.
Since the replacement cover is an add-on, an additional premium has to be paid by you to include this add-on into your base car insurance policy.
The major inclusions of a key cover are cost incurred to replace the lost or stolen key and the cost of the lock that has been replaced.
Also, if you purchase your car insurance policy online, it is advisable to compare the prices of policies with replacement cover and then finalize your purchase.
Ring Us For Replacement Services!
We’re the perfect 24 hour locksmith service providing the ideal replacement services and helping you sort out all your problems. We at Locksmith Framingham provide key replacement cover and offer our professional just a call away. Call us now and get your car key cutting!
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